Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Poem for My Unborn Child

My Precious Little Boy

I love you already
As you wait patiently, safely, in my womb,
For the day you meet your family.

I hope that I can give you
All that you deserve,
warmth, security, peace,
and so much more.

You are perfect, innocent, beautiful,
a little soul that is open, ready to love, ready to trust.
I want to meet you in the purity of your newness.
I hope that your spirit is never hurt by those in the shadows,
those who have forgotten how to love and nurture.

Your yet-unborn sweetness is a song in my heart.
Your little movements, thumps and bumps warm me.
I am reminded of your fragility,
and your strength.

You are strong,
yet you are achingly vulnerable.
You are all that the universe has given you.
Your birthright and your heritage,
Is to use your humanity in the way that you desire.
And not to be blunted by unnecessary pain and sorrow.

My dearest wish for you:
please, world, show you the beauty that exists
in the sun, the stars, the flowers, the animals,
and in the beautiful people who have not forgotten how to love.
May you always live from the perfect love that now exists within your unblemished heart and soul.

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